Wednesday, August 14

discover [updater]

If you have a move coming up, you will be happy with this post. If you don't, you should bookmark it until you do. 

Updater is a free service that helps you change your address without missing a beat, or a mailing. They file your new address with USPS, which sets up your forwarding for up to one year, but they also update your info with all your accounts, subscriptions, charities, and more. Instead of visiting my alma mater's website, Jet Blue's customer service, my town library, and, I just add them all to one master list and updater takes care of it for me. They even make suggestions for places you may want to update.
I really appreciate that I was able to set it now for a future date (end of August) when I actually move. Sure, it's easy to remember the most important mail to forward (my Visa account, my tax information, my J Crew catalog), but this way I'll be able to add things to my forward list as they come the quarterly restoration hardware, or my Starbucks rewards info. You can pay $10 to have yourself exempt from junk mail for 3 years, but honestly, I don't mind tossing out a few things if I also get to discover new brands (hello, Boden).

I'll let you know how it plays out, but I'm looking forward to letting Updater do the heavy lifting for my move.

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how you like dem apples?